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Weihua Cranes Assist Launch of China’s Space Lab Tiangong-2

2020-09-28 14:23:14 Author:Weihua Crane

China on 15, Sep, 2016 launched space lab Tiangong-2 into space, paving the way for a permanent space station China plans to build around 2022. After the successful launching of space lab Tiangong-1, this is the second time for Weihua Group participating the space lab launching project.




In this project, Weihua provided a 50-ton double girder overhead crane with lifting height 76m to Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. This crane is manufactured with diverse controls and complete function such as redundancy control, frequency, monitoring and auto fault diagnosis. It is not only more flexible, but also ensure precise safety.




In recent years, Weihua adheres to independent research, developed a number of new lifting equipment for the aerospace, wind power, nuclear power and waste disposal. Especially in the field of anti-sway crane research, Weihua cranes can accurately complete all kinds of lifting task inside plant.


Now Weihua Group is cooperating and has established good work relationships with 4 major Satellite Launch Center in China. And you can easily find our products in many space projects such as Long March-7, Shenzhou-10, Chang'e-3, etc. It is believed that Weihua Group will take off and fly with China's aerospace industry.


