Welcome to WeihuaCrane's official website

Legal Notices

This website, www.weihuaportcrane.com, is provided by Zhengzhou Hanwei Industrial Co., Ltd. Zhengzhou Hanwei Industrial Co., Ltd. is the information technology service provider of Henan Weihua Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. Any problems caused by this website are borne by Zhengzhou Hanwei Industrial Co., Ltd., and have nothing to do with Henan Weihua Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd.

After logging in to this website, please read this legal statement carefully. If you do not agree with the relevant terms or the modification made by this website, you have the right to voluntarily cancel the services provided by this website. Once you use the content provided by this website, including but not limited to browsing website information, downloading website content, using the links to third-party websites provided by the website, etc., it is deemed that you have understood and fully agree to all the terms in this legal statement.

I. Website use

The information on this website and any part of it may not be reproduced, copied, copied, copied, or used for any commercial purpose without the permission of the company. If the company determines that the customer's behavior is illegal or detrimental to the interests of this website and the company, the company reserves the right to refuse to provide services, freeze or delete member accounts, and take relevant legal measures.

Second, link

Links from this website to third-party websites, if necessary, this website will provide hyperlinks or guidance services to other websites operated by third parties, or provide the content of third-party websites on this website through framelink and other means , this "content" includes, but is not limited to, any materials, documents, information, communications, software, pictures, graphics, logos, designs, audio, video and sound contained or available on this website and any other information.

Links to third-party websites are provided for your convenience only. The company reserves the right to terminate links to third-party websites at any time. The linked websites, the content on the websites and the products and services described or provided are not under the control of the company, so the company does not take any responsibility for any such websites and the content, products or services on them (including further link) is responsible. Once you decide to log on or use any linked site, you should be aware that you may be subject to any terms and conditions applicable to that site, and take your own precautions to avoid viruses or other destructive elements when logging on or using the site. You are solely responsible for any damages arising from your access to or use of linked websites.

III. Forward-looking Statements

This website may contain certain forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to: statements regarding the Company's business strategy; and other statements relating to the Company's future business development and results of operations. When using words such as "expects", "believes", "forecasts", "expects", "intends", and other similar words, in relation to the Company, the purpose is to Indicates that they are forward-looking statements.

These forward-looking statements are inherently subject to risks and uncertainties. The Company cannot guarantee that these forward-looking statements will be updated from time to time. Such forward-looking statements reflect the Company's current view of future events and do not constitute guarantees of future business performance. Actual results may differ materially from forward-looking statements due to a number of factors.

IV. Privacy Protection

(1) Collection of personal data

Users can visit this website and obtain information in an anonymous state. The user's name, address, phone number, email and other information collected by this website, the user has the right to decide not to accept any information from us at any time.

(2) Use of personal data

The company has the right to use the personal data you provide for internal business purposes, such as facilitating the day-to-day management and operation of the company's business and the services and products the company provides to customers, monitoring the use and security of this website, and implementing internal controls , and for the preparation of statistics, planning and research; or to design services and products for use by customers; or for promotional (including direct marketing and market research) purposes; or to identify, verify and/or record and maintain a contact list for communications and promotions; or to resolve disputes, troubleshoot and enforce this Legal Notice; or to enable participants, affiliated participants or assignees of any of the Company’s business or operations to evaluate the relevant assignment, participation, affiliate participation or transfer; or other purposes directly related to any of the above.

The authorized users of the user's personal data for the above purposes are not limited to the company, but also include any affiliates, affiliates, business partners of the company that are legally authorized by the company and related to the company's business and business activities. and professional advisors, and any agent, contractor or third-party service provider providing administrative, telecommunications, computer, payment, content, information services or other services to the Company in connection with the Company's business and operations.

(3) Disclosure of personal data

This website will take reasonable security measures to protect the personal information provided by the user, and will not provide any personal information of the user to any unrelated third party without the user's permission, except in one of the following situations:< /p>

1. According to the provisions of laws and administrative regulations, the competent authority requires it to be provided.

2. Due to the user's improper confidentiality of his own information, the user's non-public information is leaked.

3. Data leakage, loss, theft or tampering due to network lines, hacker attacks, computer viruses, etc.

4. To protect the rights or property of users of this website.

5. In an emergency, in order to protect the personal or public safety of this website and its users.

6. Other special or emergency situations.

V. Intellectual property protection

The domain names, trademarks, trade names, information, text, graphics, images, sounds, links, software and all other content described on this website are provided by the Company, its content providers and third-party licensors. The intellectual property rights of the above content are owned by the company, its content providers and third-party licensors, respectively.

Except as otherwise provided by law or otherwise agreed by both parties, without the prior written permission of the company and/or other rights holders, no one may use any means (including but not limited to electronic, mechanical copying or recording, etc.) in any form. means) copy, display, modify, transfer, distribute, republish, download, post or transmit the content of this website.

Without the prior written permission of the company or the trademark owner, no unit or individual may use, copy, modify, disseminate or bundle any part of the trademark, trade name or logo of this website in any way or for any reason. .

Six. Disclaimer

The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and should not be used for any commercial purposes. This website does not guarantee the accuracy, validity, timeliness or completeness of such information. Neither the Company nor its employees shall be liable in any way, directly or indirectly, to the user or any other person for any information transmission or transmission of errors, inaccuracies or errors. To the extent permitted by law, the company shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, punitive damages caused by the use or failure of the user or any person to use the information or any links or items provided on this website. Indemnity (including, but not limited to, loss of earnings, anticipated profits or lost business, unrealized anticipated savings). The Company reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to correct any errors or omissions in any part of this website. The Company may make any other changes to this website, the content and products, items, services or prices described on this website at any time without notice.

VII. Service Change, Interruption or Termination

If it is necessary to suspend network services due to system maintenance or upgrade needs, this website will notify in advance as much as possible. In the event of one of the following circumstances, this website has the right to interrupt or terminate the provision of network services to users at any time without notifying users, and refuse users to use all or any part of the services provided by this website now and in the future:

(1) The user provides any wrong, untrue, outdated, incomplete or misleading information, or this website has reason to suspect that the aforementioned information is wrong, untrue, outdated, incomplete or misleading;< /p>

(2) The user violates the usage rules stipulated in this legal statement or the relevant usage agreement.

In addition to the above-mentioned circumstances, this website also reserves the right to interrupt or terminate part or all of the network services at any time without prior notice to the user. For any loss caused by the interruption or termination of all services, unless the law Unless otherwise stipulated or otherwise agreed by the parties, the company does not need to assume any responsibility to the user or any third party.

VIII. Modification of terms

The company reserves the right to modify, add or delete any content in this legal statement at any time. Each time you log in or use this website, you agree to be bound by the terms in effect at the time. Therefore, you should check the date of this legal notice each time you log in or use this website, and check for changes from the previous version.

IX. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

The formulation, implementation and interpretation of this legal statement and the resolution of disputes shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. If the disputes arising from the use of this website between the two parties cannot be reached through negotiation, either party may file a lawsuit with the people's court where the company is located.
